BodyBell Method
Certified Instructors
Anthony Argryos
L1 Elite Instructor
Katie Finn
L1 Elite Instructor
Eric Stephen
L1 Elite Instructor
John Bolkema
L1 Elite Instructor
Jillian Perini
L1 Elite Instructor
Jessie Ohliger
L1 Elite Instructor
Megan Bodnar
L1 Elite Instructor
Michael Pagano
L1 Elite Instructor
Ethan Keller
L1 Elite Instructor
David Halperin
L1 Elite Instructor
George Corso
Master Instructor
Amy Ross
L1 Elite Instructor
Jack Inserra
L1 Elite Instructor
Spencer Ross
L2 Elite Instructor
Lori Ebanietti
L2 Elite Instructor
Phil Ross, M.S.
Chief Instructor
Angelo Ciaramello
L1 Elite Instructor
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