Level 3 Instructor Certification

Take your kettlebell training to the next level with the BodyBell Method’s Level 2 Certification. This course builds on foundational skills and introduces advanced movements like Turkish get-ups and snatches, along with more complex programming. You’ll be equipped to elevate your clients’ strength and endurance, becoming a more versatile and effective instructor.

Normal Price: $699 | Early Bird: $599

Special Offer: $499

Man squatting with a kettlebell hanging from a mouth strap in a gym setting.
Level 3 Kettlebell Certification
One time

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every month.

✓ Movements available via video for active BBM Instructors
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

Movements Taught

Bodyweight Movements for Level 3:

  1. Plank Variations: Wall, One Arm, One Leg & One Arm-One Leg

  2. Offset Pull-ups

  3. Hanging “L” Sit

  4. L-sit Pull-ups

  5. Pistol

  6. Air Lunge

  7. One-Arm, One Leg Push-ups

  8. Snake Push-ups

  9. Power Leaps and Bounding

  10. Tactical Dips

  11. Ab Crawls

  12. Leg Throws, Plyometric V-ups

Kettlebell Movements for Level 3:

  1. Windmill

  2. Side Press

  3. Jerk Press

  4. Dual Bell Bottoms-up Squat

  5. Off Set Squats

  6. Air Lunge

  7. Skewed Squat

  8. Pistol

  9. Dual Snatch

  10. Alternating Renegade Rows

  11. Gladiator Press

  12. Bottoms-up Floor Press

  13. SOTS Press

  14. Executioner

  15. Vo2 Max Snatch Protocol

Dynamic Tension for Level 3:

1) Overhead Side to Side

2) In Front, Side to Side

3) In Back, Arm Raises

4) In Back, Elbows Bent

5) Overhead Squats

6) Split Squats

7) Chest Press

Movements Tested

  1. Dual Kettlebell Plyometric Squat - 5 reps with Snatch Size Kettlebell

  2. Dual Kettlebell Jerk Press - 5 reps with Snatch Size Kettlebell

  3. Renegade Rows, Alternating - 5 reps, each side with Snatch Size Kettlebell

  4. Strict Press, 1 rep each side. 40% of Bodyweight for Men, 30% for Women

  5. Back Bridge (Wheel) for 30 second hold

  6. Air Lunge, 1 rep each side with Snatch Size Kettlebell

  7. Hanging “L-sit” for 10 seconds (feet above hip level)

  8. Tactical Dips – Men 30 reps, Women 15 reps

  9. Spiderman Walks and Ab Crawls

What’s Included in Level 3

  • Written Guides and Resources

    Receive comprehensive written materials that reinforce video lessons, making it easy to refer back to key concepts and techniques.

  • Lifetime Access

    Enjoy unlimited, lifetime access to all course content, allowing you to learn and progress at your own pace.

  • Foundational Kettlebell Techniques

    Learn essential kettlebell movements such as the swing, goblet squat, and press to build a solid training foundation.

  • 1-on-1 Expert Session

    Participate in a virtual session with a certified kettlebell expert who will assess your skills and approve your certification upon completion.

  • NASM and ACE Certification Approval

    Earn continuing education credits from NASM and ACE, giving your certification credibility and recognition in the fitness industry.

Frequently asked questions

  • This course is designed for beginners or fitness professionals looking to build a foundation in kettlebell training.

  • You get lifetime access to all the course content.

  • Yes, after completing the course, you will participate in a 1-on-1 virtual session with an expert to assess your skills.

  • No prior kettlebell experience is required.

  • Yes, completing the course qualifies for continuing education credits.

  • The course includes 10 hours of video content and is self-paced, so completion time depends on your schedule.